
Create a Button Using HTML, CSS Button Generator
Create a Button Using HTML, CSS Button Generator

Hey Everyone !, Today in this post I made a CSS Button Generator (with Icon & Link) for you.
You can easily make a HTML & CSS Button With Icon & Link by using this generator.

So, Make Use Of this tool & let it be useful to all by share this post.


  • Full Customization Available
  • Link Option Available
  • Icon Option Available
  • Full Code Provided & Free
  • No Coding Knowledge Needed

The Generator


Section 1 : Text & Background

This Section Contains,

  • Text,
  • Font Name,
  • Font Weight,
  • Text Align Position,
  • Text Color And
  • Background Color

Of The Button

Here, Its Reference

Reference Table
Property NameDefault ValueAcceptable ValuesExample Value
TextClick HereAny StringClick To Download (or) Click To Play etc...
Font Namearial
  • auto
  • cursive
  • math
  • monospace
  • arial
  • sans
  • sans-serif
  • inherit
  • initial


Font Weight700
  • 100
  • 200
  • 300
  • 400
  • 500
  • 600
  • 700
  • 800
  • 900


Text Align Positionnone
  • none
  • left
  • right
  • center


Text Color#ffffffAny HEX Value / Color Picker Value-
Background Color#000000Any HEX Value / Color Picker Value-
" - " Indicates Any Acceptable Values

Section 2 & 3 : Padding & Margin

This Sections Contains,

  • Padding And Margin (Both Contains Top, Right, Bottom & Left Values Individually)

Of The Button

Here, Its Reference

Reference Table
Property NameDefault ValueAcceptable Values
Padding Top5pxAny Value Selected By Range Selector
Padding Right
Padding Bottom
Padding Left
Margin Top5pxAny Value Selected By Range Selector
Margin Right
Margin Bottom
Margin Left

Section 4 : Border

This Section Contains,

  • Border,
  • Border Style,
  • Border Color And
  • Border Radius

Of The Button

Here, Its Reference

Reference Table
Property NameDefault ValueAcceptable Values
Border2pxAny Values Selected By Range Selector
Border Stylesolid
  • solid
  • dashed
  • dotted
  • double
  • groove
  • ridge
  • inset
  • outset
  • none
Border Color#ffffffAny Value Picked By The Color Picker
Border Radius0pxAny Value Selected By Range Selector

Section 5 : Hover

This Section Contains,

  • Text Color And
  • Background Color

Of The Button

These Styles Apply While Hover On The Button

And Here, Its Reference

Reference Table
Property NameDefault ValueAcceptable Values
Text Color#ffffffAny Value Selected By The Color Picker
Background Color#000000

Section 6 : Open Link

This Section Contains, Link (href) Option For The Button

If You Want To Give Link For Your Button,

  • First Check The Check Box,
  • Enter Your Link In The Box Appear After You Checked The Box,
  • When User Click On The Button, It Will Go To The Link You Given
  • If You Don't Wan't The Link Option Please Unchecked The Check Box.

Section 7 : Choose Icon

This Section Contains,

  • Choose Icon
  • Icon Color
  • Icon Color (On Hover) And
  • Icon Margin Left & Right

For The Button

Here, Its Reference

Reference Table
Property NameDefault ValueAcceptable Values
Choose IconNone
  • None
  • Play
  • Play - Circle
  • Download
  • Download Cloud
  • Link
  • Link - External
Icon Color#ffffffAny Values Selected By The Color Picker
Icon Color (On Hover)
Icon Margin Left5pxAny Values Selected By The Range Selector
Icon Margin Right

Note: This Generator Uses FontAwesome v4.7.0 For Icons (Only If You Select Any Icon)

See you again in an another useful post like this, until then Learn From The Learners....

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