Online Quiz Generator For Websites
Online Quiz Generator For Websites


This Is a fully customizable Quiz Generator (Multiple Choice) with some awesome features like timer, animations & etc...

This Quiz Generator was builted using HTML, CSS & JavaScript

The main motive of this Quiz Generator is, To make the process of creating a quiz easier for a no coding knowledge person who needs to create a quiz

If you are in need to create a Quiz but don't have a much coding related knowledge then this is for you

Make use of this Quiz Generator & Share with your Friends


  • Simple User Interface
  • No Coding Knowledge Needed & Free
  • Full Customization Available
  • Supports Animations
  • In-build Timer
  • Score Card After Quiz Completion
  • No Questions Length Limit
  • No Options Length Limit
  • Full Source Code Provided

The Generator

  1. Quiz Panel
  2. Quiz Options
  3. Quiz Theme / Colors

Usage Guide

Tab 1: Quiz Section

This is the main section, This section contains Quiz Questions & Options with answers

Quiz Main Section Refference
Add Question

To Add a new Question

Add Option

To Add a new Option


To remove a Question (or) Option

Option Type

Single Answers : for questions with only one correct option

Multiple Answers : for questions with more than one correct option

Note: Please choose correct option / options of questions after added all questions and it's options

Tab 2: Quiz Options Section

This section contains, options for quiz customization like animations, timer and etc...

Quiz Options Refference
Option NameOption DescriptionOption Type
Show AnimationsCheck to show animations while actions like swtich between questionsTrue (Checked) / False (Unchecked)
Show TimerCheck to show timer at the top left corner of the quiz
Show Total QuestionsCheck to show total questions at the top right corner of the quiz
Must Answer All QuestionsCheck to make all questions required
Show Score Card After SubmitCheck to show total points scored by user after quiz submit
Points For Each Questiondefines point for correct answer of each questionNumber

Tab 3: Quiz Colors Section

This Section contains Colors & Background Colors of elements in the Quiz

  • Container Background Color
  • Quiz Background Color
  • Option Background Color
  • Question Color
  • Option Color
  • Timer Background Color
  • Total Questions Background Color
  • Timer Color
  • Total Questions Color
  • Button Background Color
  • Button Color
  • Quiz Border Color
  • Timer Border Color
  • Total Questions Border Color
  • Total Questions Number Background Color
  • Total Questions Number Color
  • Option Selected Background Color
  • Option Right Background Color
  • Option Wrong Background Color

How To Add This Quiz To My Website ?

It's Very Simple,
After complete the quiz setup, just copy the code provided in code snippet and paste it to the HTML View of your Website

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